Table of contents
Date approved by Board of Directors: November 20, 2024
Tartu College is committed to providing a safe, healthy and secure work environment for its members, including employees and residents, and for visitors and contractors. Tartu College will use its best efforts to ensure that the measures and procedures prescribed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations and other relevant legislation concerning health and safety are complied with. This includes establishing and maintaining programs to identify and appropriately control workplace hazards; providing for a joint health and safety committee to identify and address workplace hazards and workplace health and safety issues; providing appropriate tools and equipment; and providing suitable training to employees concerning workplace health and safety. Management is committed to the prevention of occupational illness and injury.
Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations, all employees of Tartu College have responsibilities for ensuring health and safety in the workplace.
Managers and supervisors have an obligation to ensure that employees work in the manner and with the protective devices, measures and procedures required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations. These regulations require supervisors to ensure that appropriate safety procedures are followed by employees and to advise employees of the existence of any potential or actual danger to their health and safety of which the supervisor is aware. Supervisors must also take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of an employee. In addition, all employees, including supervisors, have an obligation to work in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations and to use or wear the equipment, protective devices or clothing that Tartu College requires to be used or worn.
Employees, including managers and supervisors, have knowledge of their actual working conditions and they have an obligation to report any safety hazards or possible contraventions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations of which they are aware to their immediate supervisor, so that any safety hazards or contraventions can be remedied.
All employees who fail to meet their obligations concerning health and safety may, depending on the circumstances, face discipline up to and including discharge.
While residents are not covered by the Occupational Health and Safety Act or its regulations, Tartu College is also committed to fulfilling its responsibilities concerning the health and safety of its residents, and Tartu College believes that this policy helps to facilitate that objective. Residents are responsible for conducting themselves in a manner which is consistent with the health and safety of themselves and others. Residents who fail to meet these responsibilities may, depending on the circumstances, face sanctions under the provisions of the Code of Resident Conduct or other appropriate policies of Tartu College.
All members of the Tartu College community must accept their responsibilities concerning the provision of a safe environment in which to work and live.
Allan Meret
President of Tartu College
November 20, 2024
Date approved by Board of Directors: November 20, 2024
Workplace Violence Policy Statement
The management of Tartu College is committed to the prevention of workplace violence and is ultimately responsible for worker health and safety. We will take whatever steps are reasonable to protect our workers from workplace violence.
Definition of violence:
The exercise or attempted exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker; or a statement or behaviour that is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in a workplace, or that could cause physical injury to the worker.
Violent behavior in the workplace is unacceptable from anyone. This policy applies to all staff, visitors, contractors, residents or members of the public. Everyone is expected to uphold this policy and to work together to prevent workplace violence.
Tartu College, as the employer, will ensure that this policy and the supporting program are implemented and maintained and that all workers and supervisors have the appropriate information and instruction to protect them from violence in the workplace.
Every worker must work in compliance with this policy. All workers are encouraged to raise any concerns about workplace violence and to report any violent incidents or threats.
Management pledges to investigate and deal with all incidents and complaints of workplace violence in a timely and fair manner, respecting the privacy of all concerned to the extent possible.
Workplace Harassment Policy Statement
Tartu College is committed to creating a workplace that is free of workplace harassment. Workplace harassment is defined in the Occupational health and Safety Act as:
a) Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, or
b) Workplace sexual harassment
“Workplace sexual harassment” means,
a) Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace because of
sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, where the course of comment or
conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, or
b) Making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a
position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the worker, and the person knows or ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome.
This Policy applies to activities that occur while on Tartu College premises and to work-related activities or work-related social events occurring away from Tartu College.
Any employee who subjects another employee to workplace harassment may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of his/her employment.
A tenant who subjects any employee to workplace harassment may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of his/her contract.
Others who subject any employee to workplace harassment may be subject to penalties that are appropriate in view of their relationship to the Tartu College.
All members of the Tartu College community must accept their responsibilities concerning the provision of a safe environment in which to work and live.
Allan Meret
President of Tartu College
November 20, 2024
Date approved by Board of Directors: November 20, 2024
The purpose of the Smoke-Free Policy is to provide a safe and healthy environment for TC’s, employees, students, volunteers, and visitors.
1. General prohibition against smoking: Smoking is not permitted on TC property. 2. This policy is clearly stated in TC rental agreements.
3. Application: This Policy applies to all persons who are present on TC property at any time and for any purposes, including but not limited to employees, students, contractors, volunteers, and visitors.
4. Smoking definition: For purposes of this Policy, the word “smoking” includes but is not limited to the following: smoking, burning, or holding lighted tobacco or cannabis, and use of an electronic cigarette or other vaping device.
5. Enforcement: Enforcement will depend on the individual’s relationship with TC, the severity of the infraction, and the place in which it occurred.
6. Sale of products: Smoking products will not be sold by anyone on premises owned or occupied by TC.
7. Accommodation: This Policy is subject to the duty to accommodate persons with disabilities in accordance with the Human Rights Code of Ontario.
8. Signage: Signs will be posted at TC, in compliance with provincial law, municipal bylaws, and this Policy.
9. Education: TC will provide education to inform members of its community about the serious health effects, both direct and indirect, of smoking.
10.Cessation support: TC will assist employees with information about cessation support programs. Employees may contact management for details.
TC will be in accordance with the following:
- Smoking areas will be outdoors, and not within 9 meters of TC entrances and exits. - Smoking areas will comply with applicable provincial and municipal requirements
Allan Meret
President of Tartu College
November 20, 2024
Applicable legislation and bylaws
The following are links to provincial and municipal legal requirements relating to smoking. Legal requirements will prevail in the event of conflict with the Policy. Legislation, regulation, and the Municipal Code may be amended from time to time.